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Rfternoon: advanced R for beginners in a few hours

Welcome to a very short R course that aims to teach you some of the amazing, advanced things you can do in R, in just a few hours, with no previous R or programming experience.

To get started make sure you have downloaded R and Rstudio.

Then, open up Rstudio and in the Console window type: install.packages(c('ggplot2', 'plotly', 'mlr', 'randomForest', 'rstan', 'shiny', 'mlbench'))

(If you have problems installing rstan, visit the getting started guide. If you have other problems installing packages use the issues page)

If all works well, you are now ready to start the course. Download all the files for the course by clicking here. Unzip this file and then double click on the Rfternoon.Rproj file. You can now start coding!


  1. Introduction to Rstudio - stream video - download video
  2. Advanced visualisations with ggplot2 - code - stream video - download video
  3. Machine learning with mlr - code - stream video - download video
  4. Bayesian modelling with rstan - code - stream video - download video
  5. Web apps with shiny - code part 1 - code part 2 - stream video - download video