This function takes in an object of class simmr_output and creates probabilistic comparisons between the supplied sources. The group number can also be specified.

  source_names = simmr_out$input$source_names,
  group = 1,
  plot = TRUE



An object of class simmr_output created from simmr_mcmc or simmr_ffvb.


The names of at least two sources. These should match the names exactly given to simmr_load.


The integer values of the group numbers to be compared. If not specified assumes the first or only group


A logical value specifying whether plots should be produced or not.


If there are two sources, a vector containing the differences between the two dietary proportion proportions for these two sources. If there are multiple sources, a list containing the following fields:


The different possible orderings of the dietary proportions across sources


The dietary proportions for these sources specified as columns in a matrix


When two sources are specified, the function produces a direct calculation of the probability that the dietary proportion for one source is bigger than the other. When more than two sources are given, the function produces a set of most likely probabilistic orderings for each combination of sources. The function produces boxplots by default and also allows for the storage of the output for further analysis if required.

See also

See simmr_mcmc for complete examples.


Andrew Parnell <>


# \donttest{
simmr_1 <- with(
    mixtures = mixtures,
    source_names = source_names,
    source_means = source_means,
    source_sds = source_sds,
    correction_means = correction_means,
    correction_sds = correction_sds,
    concentration_means = concentration_means

# Plot

# Print
#> This is a valid simmr input object with 
#> 9  observations, 
#> 2 tracers, and 
#> 4 sources.
#> The source names are: 
#> [1] "Zostera"      "Grass"        "U.lactuca"    "Enteromorpha"
#> .
#> The tracer names are: 
#> [1] "d13C_Pl" "d15N_Pl"

# MCMC run
simmr_1_out <- simmr_mcmc(simmr_1)
#> Compiling model graph
#>    Resolving undeclared variables
#>    Allocating nodes
#> Graph information:
#>    Observed stochastic nodes: 18
#>    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 6
#>    Total graph size: 136
#> Initializing model

# Print it
#> This is a valid simmr input object with 
#> 9  observations, 
#> 2 tracers, and 
#> 4 sources.
#> The source names are: 
#> [1] "Zostera"      "Grass"        "U.lactuca"    "Enteromorpha"
#> .
#> The tracer names are: 
#> [1] "d13C_Pl" "d15N_Pl"
#> The input data has been run via simmr_mcmc and has produced 
#> 3600 iterations over 4 MCMC chains.

# Summary
#> Summary for 1
#> R-hat values - these values should all be close to 1.
#> If not, try a longer run of simmr_mcmc.
#>     deviance      Zostera        Grass    U.lactuca Enteromorpha  sd[d13C_Pl] 
#>            1            1            1            1            1            1 
#>  sd[d15N_Pl] 
#>            1 
#>                2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5%
#> deviance     52.830 56.502 59.569 63.547 73.984
#> Zostera       0.341  0.501  0.586  0.669  0.820
#> Grass         0.029  0.058  0.075  0.093  0.140
#> U.lactuca     0.020  0.078  0.134  0.206  0.384
#> Enteromorpha  0.022  0.090  0.165  0.266  0.472
#> sd[d13C_Pl]   0.543  1.126  1.542  2.126  3.989
#> sd[d15N_Pl]   0.267  0.660  0.956  1.362  2.647
#>                mean    sd
#> deviance     60.574 5.599
#> Zostera       0.582 0.122
#> Grass         0.077 0.028
#> U.lactuca     0.152 0.098
#> Enteromorpha  0.189 0.123
#> sd[d13C_Pl]   1.732 0.973
#> sd[d15N_Pl]   1.085 0.637
#>              deviance Zostera  Grass U.lactuca Enteromorpha sd[d13C_Pl]
#> deviance        1.000  -0.277  0.171     0.217        0.063       0.657
#> Zostera        -0.277   1.000  0.035    -0.452       -0.638      -0.126
#> Grass           0.171   0.035  1.000     0.098       -0.342       0.308
#> U.lactuca       0.217  -0.452  0.098     1.000       -0.368       0.023
#> Enteromorpha    0.063  -0.638 -0.342    -0.368        1.000       0.036
#> sd[d13C_Pl]     0.657  -0.126  0.308     0.023        0.036       1.000
#> sd[d15N_Pl]     0.659  -0.193 -0.102     0.175        0.076      -0.014
#>              sd[d15N_Pl]
#> deviance           0.659
#> Zostera           -0.193
#> Grass             -0.102
#> U.lactuca          0.175
#> Enteromorpha       0.076
#> sd[d13C_Pl]       -0.014
#> sd[d15N_Pl]        1.000
summary(simmr_1_out, type = "diagnostics")
#> Summary for 1
#> R-hat values - these values should all be close to 1.
#> If not, try a longer run of simmr_mcmc.
#>     deviance      Zostera        Grass    U.lactuca Enteromorpha  sd[d13C_Pl] 
#>            1            1            1            1            1            1 
#>  sd[d15N_Pl] 
#>            1 
summary(simmr_1_out, type = "correlations")
#> Summary for 1
#>              deviance Zostera  Grass U.lactuca Enteromorpha sd[d13C_Pl]
#> deviance        1.000  -0.277  0.171     0.217        0.063       0.657
#> Zostera        -0.277   1.000  0.035    -0.452       -0.638      -0.126
#> Grass           0.171   0.035  1.000     0.098       -0.342       0.308
#> U.lactuca       0.217  -0.452  0.098     1.000       -0.368       0.023
#> Enteromorpha    0.063  -0.638 -0.342    -0.368        1.000       0.036
#> sd[d13C_Pl]     0.657  -0.126  0.308     0.023        0.036       1.000
#> sd[d15N_Pl]     0.659  -0.193 -0.102     0.175        0.076      -0.014
#>              sd[d15N_Pl]
#> deviance           0.659
#> Zostera           -0.193
#> Grass             -0.102
#> U.lactuca          0.175
#> Enteromorpha       0.076
#> sd[d13C_Pl]       -0.014
#> sd[d15N_Pl]        1.000
summary(simmr_1_out, type = "statistics")
#> Summary for 1
#>                mean    sd
#> deviance     60.574 5.599
#> Zostera       0.582 0.122
#> Grass         0.077 0.028
#> U.lactuca     0.152 0.098
#> Enteromorpha  0.189 0.123
#> sd[d13C_Pl]   1.732 0.973
#> sd[d15N_Pl]   1.085 0.637
ans <- summary(simmr_1_out, type = c("quantiles", "statistics"))
#> Summary for 1
#>                2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5%
#> deviance     52.830 56.502 59.569 63.547 73.984
#> Zostera       0.341  0.501  0.586  0.669  0.820
#> Grass         0.029  0.058  0.075  0.093  0.140
#> U.lactuca     0.020  0.078  0.134  0.206  0.384
#> Enteromorpha  0.022  0.090  0.165  0.266  0.472
#> sd[d13C_Pl]   0.543  1.126  1.542  2.126  3.989
#> sd[d15N_Pl]   0.267  0.660  0.956  1.362  2.647
#>                mean    sd
#> deviance     60.574 5.599
#> Zostera       0.582 0.122
#> Grass         0.077 0.028
#> U.lactuca     0.152 0.098
#> Enteromorpha  0.189 0.123
#> sd[d13C_Pl]   1.732 0.973
#> sd[d15N_Pl]   1.085 0.637

# Plot
plot(simmr_1_out, type = "boxplot")

plot(simmr_1_out, type = "histogram")

plot(simmr_1_out, type = "density")

plot(simmr_1_out, type = "matrix")

# Compare two sources
compare_sources(simmr_1_out, source_names = c("Zostera", "Grass"))
#> Prob (proportion of Zostera > proportion of Grass) = 1

# Compare multiple sources
#> Most popular orderings are as follows:
#>                                            Probability
#> Zostera > Enteromorpha > U.lactuca > Grass      0.3264
#> Zostera > U.lactuca > Enteromorpha > Grass      0.2203
#> Zostera > U.lactuca > Grass > Enteromorpha      0.1689
#> Zostera > Enteromorpha > Grass > U.lactuca      0.1611
#> Enteromorpha > Zostera > U.lactuca > Grass      0.0289
#> Zostera > Grass > U.lactuca > Enteromorpha      0.0272
#> Zostera > Grass > Enteromorpha > U.lactuca      0.0250
#> Enteromorpha > Zostera > Grass > U.lactuca      0.0206
#> U.lactuca > Zostera > Enteromorpha > Grass      0.0083
#> U.lactuca > Zostera > Grass > Enteromorpha      0.0083
#> U.lactuca > Enteromorpha > Zostera > Grass      0.0028
#> Enteromorpha > U.lactuca > Zostera > Grass      0.0019
#> U.lactuca > Enteromorpha > Grass > Zostera      0.0003

# }