This function takes in an object of class simmr_output and combines two of the food sources. It works for single and multiple group data.

  to_combine = NULL,
  new_source_name = "combined_source"



An object of class simmr_output created from simmr_mcmc or simmr_ffvb


The names of exactly two sources. These should match the names given to simmr_load.


A name to give to the new combined source.


A new simmr_output object


Often two sources either (1) lie in similar location on the iso-space plot, or (2) are very similar in phylogenetic terms. In case (1) it is common to experience high (negative) posterior correlations between the sources. Combining them can reduce this correlation and improve precision of the estimates. In case (2) we might wish to determine the joint amount eaten of the two sources when combined. This function thus combines two sources after a run of simmr_mcmc or simmr_ffvb (known as a posteriori combination). The new object can then be called with plot.simmr_input or plot.simmr_output to produce iso-space plots of summaries of the output after combination.

See also

See simmr_mcmc and simmr_ffvb and the associated vignette for examples.


Andrew Parnell <>, Emma Govan


# \donttest{
# The data

# Load into simmr
simmr_1 <- with(
    mixtures = mixtures,
    source_names = source_names,
    source_means = source_means,
    source_sds = source_sds,
    correction_means = correction_means,
    correction_sds = correction_sds,
    concentration_means = concentration_means

# Plot

# Print
#> This is a valid simmr input object with 
#> 9  observations, 
#> 2 tracers, and 
#> 4 sources.
#> The source names are: 
#> [1] "Zostera"      "Grass"        "U.lactuca"    "Enteromorpha"
#> .
#> The tracer names are: 
#> [1] "d13C_Pl" "d15N_Pl"

# MCMC run
simmr_1_out <- simmr_mcmc(simmr_1)
#> module glm loaded
#> Compiling model graph
#>    Resolving undeclared variables
#>    Allocating nodes
#> Graph information:
#>    Observed stochastic nodes: 18
#>    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 6
#>    Total graph size: 136
#> Initializing model

# Print it
#> This is a valid simmr input object with 
#> 9  observations, 
#> 2 tracers, and 
#> 4 sources.
#> The source names are: 
#> [1] "Zostera"      "Grass"        "U.lactuca"    "Enteromorpha"
#> .
#> The tracer names are: 
#> [1] "d13C_Pl" "d15N_Pl"
#> The input data has been run via simmr_mcmc and has produced 
#> 3600 iterations over 4 MCMC chains.

# Summary
#> Summary for 1
#> R-hat values - these values should all be close to 1.
#> If not, try a longer run of simmr_mcmc.
#>     deviance      Zostera        Grass    U.lactuca Enteromorpha  sd[d13C_Pl] 
#>            1            1            1            1            1            1 
#>  sd[d15N_Pl] 
#>            1 
#>                2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5%
#> deviance     52.844 56.474 59.529 63.273 73.518
#> Zostera       0.338  0.499  0.581  0.668  0.810
#> Grass         0.028  0.059  0.075  0.093  0.141
#> U.lactuca     0.021  0.075  0.134  0.204  0.366
#> Enteromorpha  0.021  0.091  0.170  0.269  0.487
#> sd[d13C_Pl]   0.533  1.128  1.546  2.104  3.865
#> sd[d15N_Pl]   0.262  0.640  0.939  1.349  2.622
#>                mean    sd
#> deviance     60.412 5.383
#> Zostera       0.581 0.121
#> Grass         0.077 0.028
#> U.lactuca     0.149 0.093
#> Enteromorpha  0.193 0.128
#> sd[d13C_Pl]   1.706 0.859
#> sd[d15N_Pl]   1.069 0.630
#>              deviance Zostera  Grass U.lactuca Enteromorpha sd[d13C_Pl]
#> deviance        1.000  -0.268  0.152     0.151        0.111       0.669
#> Zostera        -0.268   1.000  0.068    -0.391       -0.680      -0.156
#> Grass           0.152   0.068  1.000     0.107       -0.360       0.270
#> U.lactuca       0.151  -0.391  0.107     1.000       -0.380       0.018
#> Enteromorpha    0.111  -0.680 -0.360    -0.380        1.000       0.076
#> sd[d13C_Pl]     0.669  -0.156  0.270     0.018        0.076       1.000
#> sd[d15N_Pl]     0.679  -0.153 -0.091     0.113        0.082       0.011
#>              sd[d15N_Pl]
#> deviance           0.679
#> Zostera           -0.153
#> Grass             -0.091
#> U.lactuca          0.113
#> Enteromorpha       0.082
#> sd[d13C_Pl]        0.011
#> sd[d15N_Pl]        1.000
summary(simmr_1_out, type = "diagnostics")
#> Summary for 1
#> R-hat values - these values should all be close to 1.
#> If not, try a longer run of simmr_mcmc.
#>     deviance      Zostera        Grass    U.lactuca Enteromorpha  sd[d13C_Pl] 
#>            1            1            1            1            1            1 
#>  sd[d15N_Pl] 
#>            1 
summary(simmr_1_out, type = "correlations")
#> Summary for 1
#>              deviance Zostera  Grass U.lactuca Enteromorpha sd[d13C_Pl]
#> deviance        1.000  -0.268  0.152     0.151        0.111       0.669
#> Zostera        -0.268   1.000  0.068    -0.391       -0.680      -0.156
#> Grass           0.152   0.068  1.000     0.107       -0.360       0.270
#> U.lactuca       0.151  -0.391  0.107     1.000       -0.380       0.018
#> Enteromorpha    0.111  -0.680 -0.360    -0.380        1.000       0.076
#> sd[d13C_Pl]     0.669  -0.156  0.270     0.018        0.076       1.000
#> sd[d15N_Pl]     0.679  -0.153 -0.091     0.113        0.082       0.011
#>              sd[d15N_Pl]
#> deviance           0.679
#> Zostera           -0.153
#> Grass             -0.091
#> U.lactuca          0.113
#> Enteromorpha       0.082
#> sd[d13C_Pl]        0.011
#> sd[d15N_Pl]        1.000
summary(simmr_1_out, type = "statistics")
#> Summary for 1
#>                mean    sd
#> deviance     60.412 5.383
#> Zostera       0.581 0.121
#> Grass         0.077 0.028
#> U.lactuca     0.149 0.093
#> Enteromorpha  0.193 0.128
#> sd[d13C_Pl]   1.706 0.859
#> sd[d15N_Pl]   1.069 0.630
ans <- summary(simmr_1_out, type = c("quantiles", "statistics"))
#> Summary for 1
#>                2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5%
#> deviance     52.844 56.474 59.529 63.273 73.518
#> Zostera       0.338  0.499  0.581  0.668  0.810
#> Grass         0.028  0.059  0.075  0.093  0.141
#> U.lactuca     0.021  0.075  0.134  0.204  0.366
#> Enteromorpha  0.021  0.091  0.170  0.269  0.487
#> sd[d13C_Pl]   0.533  1.128  1.546  2.104  3.865
#> sd[d15N_Pl]   0.262  0.640  0.939  1.349  2.622
#>                mean    sd
#> deviance     60.412 5.383
#> Zostera       0.581 0.121
#> Grass         0.077 0.028
#> U.lactuca     0.149 0.093
#> Enteromorpha  0.193 0.128
#> sd[d13C_Pl]   1.706 0.859
#> sd[d15N_Pl]   1.069 0.630

# Plot

#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
#>   method from   
#>   ggplot2

plot(simmr_1_out, type = "boxplot")

plot(simmr_1_out, type = "histogram")

plot(simmr_1_out, type = "density")

plot(simmr_1_out, type = "matrix")

simmr_out_combine <- combine_sources(simmr_1_out,
  to_combine = c("U.lactuca", "Enteromorpha"),
  new_source_name = "U.lac+Ent"

plot(simmr_out_combine, type = "boxplot", title = "simmr output: combined sources")

# }